雲ヶ畑の桜の花も開いてきました。 もも_m

The cherry blossoms in Kumogahata have also opened. もも_m

点々とひろがってゆく桜の花。 もも_m

Cherry blossoms spreading here and there. もも_m


Although it is not a famous place for cherry blossoms such as famous temples…


の〜んびり、う〜っとり・・・ もも_m

Mountain cherry blossoms growing strong in nature.

relaxing, mesmerizing … もも_m



Colorful and spring flowers are also blooming.

蕾膨らんできた梅や桜の花もあって 、

There are also plum blossoms and cherry blossoms that have swelled buds,

ぽっかぽか 春

I feel sprong so much.

これから毎日毎日がウキウキ、楽しみ 顔だよ。笑う_m

From now on, every day is cheerful and fun 顔だよ。笑う_m
